We help make the process of shipping worldwide as easy and convenient as possible. Our shipping solutions offer clear instructions and access to all the documentation you need to ship ,containers, packages, parcels and envelopes.
We help you to find the best service and shipping rates from top shipping companies including our partners. We believe our service offers the best value for worldwide shipping.
We manage the flow of products and equipment between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet requirements of customers or corporations.
We Take Control
We know where your inbound and outbound shipments are at all times.
We can help with the below:
Procurement logistics
After-sales logistics
Global logistics
Emergency Logistics
We always provide shipping tracking references for all our shipments. Most often, we send shipment notifications via mail, Whats-app, SMS or Skype.
We ensure that our customers are one step ahead of the shipment before arrival.
In case of change of shipment schedule our customers are duly notified via mail.
We will always give you 100% transparency with pricing.
We will always communicate with you in a timely manner through mail.
We will always maintain control of your carrier relationships.
We will always advocate for freight terms in your best interest.
We will always check and personally review freight invoices. for accuracy.
We will be available to help you 24/7/365.
We will handle all your freight claims process, beginning to end.
We provide excellent documentation support with all our shipments. We know the importance of documents in international trade. We support with the following:
Documents control and review
Quick corrections
On-time documents delivery
Supplementary documents if needed.
Incoterms are a standard set of terminology, created by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), used universally, defining the key parts of freight forwarding;
EXW: Ex Works
FCA: Free Carrier
CPT: Carriage Paid To
CIP: Carriage And Insurance Paid To
DAT: Delivered At Terminal
DAP: Delivered At Place
DDP: Delivered Duty Paid
FAS: Free Alongside Ship
FOB: Free On Board
CFR: Cost and Freight
CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight
We provide solid and quality packaging. The quality of a product/equipment is only complete when the packaging is good. Our packaging includes:
1.5 KG cartons
3 KG cartons
5 KG cartons / bags
10 KG cartons / bags
15 KG cartons / bags
20 KG cartons / bags
20 KG cartons (2x10 KG )
25 KG cartons / bags
50 KG bags